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Purchase small gifts or bake treats that open doors to relationship with those working in the sex industry in Missouri.

Join NightLight Missouri as we reach out to those working in the commercial sex industry by giving small gifts or baking treats that bestow and restore the dignity and worth of those we meet. When a thoughtful gift is paired with care and conversation, powerful things can happen.

Whether located in Missouri or not, you can contribute to these efforts by purchasing gifts online through our Amazon Wishlist. Gifts will be automatically shipped to the private shipping address when you place an order, and we'll take it from there!

If you're in the Springfield area, you can also contribute by preparing delicious treats that practically demonstrate love and care. These treats help open doors to conversation as our team hand-delivers them to individuals working in the sex industry.

Sign up to receive regular updates on both of these opportunities by requesting to be added to our Needs and Opportunities email list!


Help us defeat the darkness of human trafficking.

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